Pencil Sketching on Vacation — A Landscape, a Still Life and a Portrait — by Damian Osborne Pencil sketching on vacation is a great way to unwind and get some sketching practice in, without needing to produce sell-able masterpieces. Sketching for me is relaxing and meditative. I put some earphones on with my favourite music, and zone out. I like drawing just for myself. Most of my drawings and doodles I don’t really show anyone. So I don’t have to care what anyone thinks of them. Drawing from life and not from photos is especially important. The best way…

Thinking through the Nigredo — Avoiding Neurosis as an Artist
by Damian Osborne Thinking through the Nigredo is a catalogue of my ruminations and inner processes while working on the painting, Nigredo. If you missed the first part of this series on Thinking Through the Nigredo, see The Union of Darkness and Light. The Nigredo refers to the first stage of the alchemist’s psychological or spiritual journey. This is the stage of initial darkness or breakdown before the hope of rebirth or illumination. Creativity is the preventative and antidote to neurosis. Connection with Nature is the bedrock of self-realisation. I feel something wholesome and holy through the simple practice of grinding…

Thinking Through the Nigredo – The Union of Darkness and Light
by Damian Osborne I suppose things have changed forever. On a violet evening just before Christmas, I stood, studying the Western sky. A grey wall of the approaching cold front nearly hid the Great Saturn/Jupiter Conjunction; an amazing herald for a new Epoch. Whether through grace, luck or undiluted instinct, in the year 2020, I came to recognise the World-Wide Deception. Now I have come to accept, that the inner-narratives of many may never be dislodged. And there is no reason at all for me to believe that I can take down walls by running into them. In a…

Alchemical Dreams and Art
Alchemical Dreams and Art (Silver Monkey in a Golden Cage) by Damian Osborne For me, ‘alchemical dreams’ and art have always had a strong link. Sometimes I have dreams that feel heavily imbued with meaning. I think of these dreams as being particularly important and record them as soon as possible — before they are forgotten. I call them ‘alchemical dreams.’ As an artist, these dreams are filled with incredibly rich symbolism which inspires my art. How alchemical dreams inspire my art I’ve been recording my dreams for a while. This helps me to really pay attention to…

Taking Myself Seriously as an Artist
Taking Myself Seriously as an Artist by Damian Osborne Every year seems to be some sort of tribulation, but I learn a lot about myself as an artist, a husband and a person; and what I want for my life and my art career. It’s a slow process for a people-pleasing person like myself, but every year I’m taking myself more seriously as an artist. I realised it’s more important to be authentic as an artist (and in one’s personal life) and to be brave enough to say what you want to than to tiptoe around being worried about…

Making Bone Black Oil Paint
Watch this video on YouTube Making Bone Black Oil Paint — The Alchemical Journey Series — by Damian Osborne 1 | What is bone black pigment? 2 | How long does bone black oil paint take to dry? 3 | When was bone black first used? 4 | Bone black vs ivory black 5 | How does bone black oil paint compare with other black pigments? 6 | What does bone black symbolise? 7 | What equipment will you need to make bone black oil paint? 8 | How do you make bone black oil paint? 9 | What…

Why I Love Realistic Figurative Paintings
Why I Love Realistic Figurative Paintings by Damian Osborne Realistic figurative painting has always fascinated me. When I look back through my old art history books and remember which artists and paintings were my favourites as a young, budding artist, figurative oil paintings felt especially vivacious, expressive, inspirational and powerful. And perhaps the genre of realistic figurative painting will always captivate me. For the language of the body speaks to us in an instinctive, primal way. As humans, we divine meanings and feelings through poses, postures and expressions that spoken words can not convey. Perhaps it’s because we…

The Siren Paintings
The Siren Paintings by Damian Osborne “You will come to the Siren (paintings) first of all; they bewitch any mortal who approaches them.” —Homer, The Odyssey Click on an image to view. To view all figure painting archives, go to Figure Paintings. Sirens You see, they sang to me in my own voice, how was I to know? They wove the gauze of waking sleep around my heart, I learnt to love the flightless yearning in their voices, carried on the wind from the island where they starve, for company, their wingfeathers lost to the Muses…

How to Create More Meaningful Art — Part 2
How to Create More Meaningful Art — Part 2 by Damian Osborne 7 | Recording and painting your feelings — keeping a journal 8 | Get deep — explore your shadows 9 | Read soul-enriching books — the works of the visionaries and great thinkers 10 | Spend time communicating with nature 11 | Be comfortable with being alone 12 | Think about what is most precious to you In case you missed it, this is a continuation from How to Create More Meaningful Art — Part 1 on habits I’ve been trying to stick…

How to Create More Meaningful Art — Part 1
How to Create More Meaningful Art — Part 1 by Damian Osborne 1 | Getting serious about developing your artistic soul 2 | Draw in your sketchbook everyday 3 | Paint/draw from your own life 4 | Meditate and pray daily as an artist 5 | Close your social media accounts and reduce screen time (digital detox) 6 | Record and draw from your dreams There’s usually a point in an artist’s life when they feel the compulsion to take stock of themselves and of their work, and to create more meaningful art. Life is full of endless…

Best Ideas for Oil Painting Every Painter Should Try
Watch this video on YouTube Best Ideas for Oil Painting Every Painter Should Try by Damian Osborne So, you’re wondering what you should paint? Here are some of my personal favourite ideas for oil painting: 1 | Landscape painting 2 | Seascape painting 3 | Still life painting 4 | Figure painting 5 | Self-portrait painting 6 | Painting portraits of your friends and family 7 | Painting animals 8 | Dreams, fantasy, mythological, allegorical and imaginary painting Throughout the history of painting, artists have found inspiration for their art from these universal and personal subjects. What were…

How to Draw an Abstract Drawing
Watch this video on YouTube How to Draw an Abstract Drawing (Abstract Still Life Drawing from Nature) by Damian Osborne 1 | What is abstract drawing? 2 | What is the point of abstract drawing exercises? 3 | Why is doodling important? 4 | What are the benefits of doodling? 5 | What is automatic drawing? 6 | What is abstract realism? 7 | How do you draw an abstract still life drawing? 8 | How are artists inspired by abstract patterns in nature? 9 | Isn’t all art abstract anyway? 10 | What is the role…

What is Gesture Drawing?
What is Gesture Drawing? by Damian Osborne Gesture drawing is quick, free flowing, simplified sketching of the human form. The drawing sessions are usually timed from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. They are normally done from a live model, hence the term ‘life drawings’. Usually, the model is in the nude, as this allows the artist to really observe and study the anatomy of the human form. Gesture drawing practice Gesture drawing practice is the basis for artists learning to draw the human figure. It is the practice of drawing from life, not photos. You can’t…

Those Bad Drawing Days
Those Bad Drawing Days by Damian Osborne Yup, it’s a bad drawing day. Those days when you just want to stab the paper with your pencil, or press so hard with your charcoal that it breaks. You grimace and shake your head. You keep tearing out pages and tossing them behind you. Why can’t I get anything right? Why does her face look like it was smooshed by a bus? And why do her hands look like claws? Her eyes look like they can see each other; her legs look like penne pasta. Have you ever felt like…

Where Do Artists Find Inspiration?
Watch this video on YouTube Where Do Artists Find Inspiration? On finding inspiration as an artist; some art musings and studio soliloquies. by Damian Osborne While working on this painting of my wife, I decided to talk about where artists find inspiration and the methods I use to overcome artist’s block. Well, this is where I get my inspiration from. Check out the video above to see some of the behind-the-scenes stuff while I’m working on this portrait. Where do artists find inspiration? • From your own life • Being in nature • Looking at other art…

Being Authentic as an Artist
Being Authentic as an Artist (and Not Stressing About Selling) by Damian Osborne Why is selling art so difficult? Making art is difficult. Being an artist is difficult. Being authentic is difficult. It sounds like an enviable, romantic, easy life, and yes, making art does provide deep and important fulfillment. But believe me, it’s not all about wearing bandannas and dungarees, sipping wine during the day and flicking paint onto large canvases in spacious studios with lofty ceilings and 80’s rock blaring from the boombox. In most cases, creating art as a career is really not a financially…

Dealing with Criticism as an Artist (and Slapping Idiots)
Dealing with Criticism as an Artist (and Slapping Idiots!) by Damian Osborne Dealing with criticism as an artist is tough. But unless you’re able to deal with criticism in a manner that empowers, rather than defeats you, you’ll never ‘make it’ as an artist. In a way, I’m lucky that my wife doesn’t pander to my ego. And for that, I’m grateful. Although sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be hero-worshiped. LOL! I’d probably find it uncomfortable. Where’s the catch? I usually don’t agree with what she says, because I’m extremely stubborn and strong-willed. But…

Why Does Art Exist?
Watch this video on YouTube Why Does Art Exist? (A Painting is NOT Just a Picture – Part 2) by Damian Osborne I continue asking my line of questions relating to What’s the Point of Art? in this second part of my ‘A Painting is NOT Just a Picture’ series. I have asked myself, what makes art vital? Why does art exist? You do you need art? Why is Art so Vital? I spoke about the difficulties and travails of being an artist in the last post. Why then are there still so many people in this world who feel…

What’s the Point of Art?
Watch this video on YouTube What’s the Point of Art Anyway? (A Painting is NOT Just a Picture) by Damian Osborne In this two-part blog and video series on ‘A Painting is NOT Just a Picture’, I delve a little into my own personal take on what makes art good and the resurgence of representational art, why art is so hard, why art is so important, and basically, what’s the point of art? Because a painting is NOT just a picture hanging on the wall. Art is so much more vital to our lives and our society than…

Searching for Meaning: Where Does Art Come From?
Searching for Meaning: Where Does Art Come From? by Damian Osborne We’re all searching for meaning. And artists, at their core, are visual philosophers. Yet, the ‘art world’ is so full of pretenders. The funny thing is, many artists, and curators, draw a blank when searching for meaning in their art. Let’s say that you only have a month to live. When last have you looked at a painting or listened to a piece of music, read a novel or poem that moved you at your core? When it made you look around at your world and realise…

Who Am I and What Am I Doing as a Full-Time Artist?
Who Am I and What Am I Doing as a Full-Time Artist? by Damian Osborne This is my first blog post as a full-time artist and marks the beginning of a new journey. I have girded myself with all the inspiration and optimistic hope necessary to believe that this is going to be a great and revolutionary path for me. The reality of suddenly finding myself as a full-time artist That’s it! I just quit my job! And I’m now a full-time artist. As perhaps you could imagine, after the initial hurrah of leaping forth, I struggle…